Category: Release

0.7.2 Release Notes


This is a small update to fix a couple issues some users have reported. Of particular interest is the new performance toggle for the “Walking through long grass” effect. If you happen to have a laptop with an integrated graphics card we recommend turning the effect off if you are noticing frame rates dropping.

It is available to download on Itch, Gamejolt and Steam.

If you come across any issues, please log them here. For more dedicated support feel free to send us a Tweet or DM, message on the Discord Server, or email us.

Change Log


  • Added a performance toggle for the “Walking through long grass” effect in the Options Menu
  • Can now use the interact key on enemies
  • Added fade transitions to menu screens
  • Added weapon-specific battle animations for party members


  • Adjusted VFX/SFX grass definitions so that paths partially covered by grass will have their SFX/VFX triggered
  • Fixed the movement key being “stuck” in a direction if you released it while talking to NPCs
  • Fixed newly added party members sometimes not having battle sprites (and crashes associated)
  • Fixed the minimap saving focused state while transitioning between screens
  • Fixed post cutscene events that may not be triggered
  • Fixed anchor points for party member battle animations
  • Fixed Slash being considered a Gun skill and not a Sword skill

0.7.0 Release Notes


Welcome to the big ol’ grand ✨ Performance Update ✨. We’ve improved loading, we’ve improved transitions, we’ve improved shaders, surfaces, FPS stability, memory usage – the list goes on! We’ve also added a few QoL changes, a little bit of polish and a bunch of various bug fixes. Plus a bunch of engine upgrades! See the change log for the full list of changes.

It is available to download on Itch, Gamejolt and Steam.

If you come across any issues, please log them here. For more dedicated support feel free to send us a Tweet or DM, message on the Discord Server, or email us.

Change Log


  • Drastically improved performance for loading maps, transitioning between screens, etc.
  • Improved performance for shadows, interiors, tall grass, overworld objects and the minimap
  • Improved performance for all entities that use surfaces and shaders
  • Sped up most screen transitions
  • Lengthened the DBattle transition
  • Added a splash screen on startup
  • Lower BGM when ambience is playing
  • Added button hover effects
  • Added party swap animation
  • Made some improvements to SFX
  • Added VFX when running over sand, dirt, water, etc.
  • When gaining items, items that you can use in battle are auto assigned to the battle wheel if there is an empty space
  • Party portraits are now always displayed in the inventory


  • Fixed many, many, many issues related to Gamemaker upgrades (70+)
  • Fixed some flickering that may occur when starting cutscenes
  • Fixed confusing minimap arrow in bandit camp
  • Fixed crash when interacting with certain bandits in the bandit camp
  • Fixed an area where you could get stuck and soft-lock in the bandit camp
  • Fixed an area where you could get stuck near wiska forest
  • Fixed some enemy attacks not occurring
  • Fixed the countdown clock showing hours in battles
  • Fixed DBattle music playing after a transition and not before
  • Fixed party members who are not in party any more levelling up and gaining exp in debates
  • Fixed Continue From Save breaking when in a battle triggered by a cutscene
  • Fixed flashing battle bar at the start of TTBattles
  • Fixed use item in inventory not applying when clicking on the characters face
  • Fixed automatic inventory assignment causing duplicate entries
  • Fixed white border on fighters in opening cutscene
  • Fixed action events not visible after valid cutscene without map reload
  • Fixed post cutscene events may run out of order when loading a map
  • Fixed shaders breaking when entering into the menu from inside of a house
  • Fixed an infinite popup that may occur when interacting with a locked door
  • Fixed input may be checked when the window is unfocused
  • Fixed double shader effect inside buildings
  • Fixed laggy skill up button
  • Fixed being able to click on buttons during a screen transition
  • Fixed infinite dialog box popup
  • Fixed minimap crashes
  • Fixed interior crashes
  • Fixed title screen buttons disappearing when pressing back at the start of the game


  • Upgraded Gamemaker to v2023.11.1.160 Runtime
  • Upgraded Steamworks SDK
  • Upgraded DLLs to work with x64 configurations
  • Reimplemented all Debates to use Chatterbox
  • Changed input handling to use Input

0.6.1 Release Notes


This is a small patch to address a few issues that players have run into with the most recent update.

Please note that there is currently a bug with cutscenes where cutscenes will randomly not complete correctly for different users in different places. We are unable to reproduce, but thanks to the information provided by users we’ve put together a potential fix. Please let us know if this solves the issue, if not please provide us with as much information as possible including save files, videos and screenshots.

It is available to download on Itch, Gamejolt and Steam.

If you come across any issues, please log them here. For more dedicated support feel free to send us a Tweet or DM, message on the Discord Server, or email us.

Change Log

  • Fixed the wishlist button appearing after returning the stolen bread in the Steam Demo
  • Fixed a crash when trying to sleep in Vuni’s Inn
  • Attempted to fix a random cutscene bug that would make it not possible for players to proceed through the game

0.6.0 Release Notes


It’s been a while since our last demo update. This update focuses on addressing feedback from the last update, adding new assets, and some adjustments and improvements. See the change log for the full changes.

It is available to download on Itch, Gamejolt and Steam.

If you come across any issues, please log them here. For more dedicated support feel free to send us a Tweet or DM, message on the Discord Server, or email us.

Change Log


  • Added more SFX, and added new SFX to existing cutscenes
  • Added a respawn timer to overworld and patrol enemies
  • Added sunset music for Vuni
  • Added an area identifier to the minimap for quest goals within a general area
  • Added animations to flag pole and boat flags
  • Added a tumbleweed animation when no move is made during a TTBattle
  • Added palette swap versions for most enemies
  • Added running animations for most enemies
  • Added a modern font option


  • Shop Confirm Button not working
  • Not being able to buy items at the shops
  • Crashes that occurred in some cutscenes near the end of the demo
  • Bomb animation vertical bounce
  • Hours value missing when there was less than 1 hour of play time
  • Adjusted Apple description
  • Skill and Inventory layouts not matching the main menu layout
  • An enemy outside of Wynoa being stuck in a collision when spawned
  • Dodge Shine Animation not playing
  • Both Inn options being highlighted
  • Newly added party members not appearing in the menu
  • Party members losing stats after leaving the party
  • Entering Wiska Forest before you could (players should get less lost now)
  • MSQ were not necessarily being set as the default quest when gained after completing a previous MSQ
  • The last frame of an animation sometimes would not appear in TTBattles
  • World map opening when pressing space
  • Fullscreen mode not working when it was sunset or nighttime
  • Minimap not updating when changing quests in the menu
  • Depth layout ordering for characters in TTBattles
  • Water in Vuni in some places was missing
  • Crashing when trying to experiment


  • Heavily Refactored the TTBattle System & fixed various bugs related to it
  • Heavily Refactored the TTBattle Animation System & fixed various bugs related to it
  • Upgraded Gamemaker to 2.3.3
  • Refactored a few overworld functions to become more efficient so we could put more objects on maps
  • Upgraded Skill, Status & Item Icons with Higher Resolution versions
  • Changed the Debate Battle bubble
  • Removed last save point text from the main menu screen
  • Run mode is now the default upon starting a new game
  • Steam Demo now matches Itch and Gamejolt Demo

0.4.0 Release Notes


Our Winter Beta Update is now here! This update finishes off the story in Lakure! Look forward to traveling the province, conversing with locals, and convincing Lord Katerina to help you!

This update also contains a large number of technical improvements we made over the summer which were previous released in the demo update a few months ago. Another thing of note is that all of SFX has been redone and updated, and we’ve added some new features like books and eavesdropping.

We recommend making a copy of your save files (the .sqlite files) in your game directory before continuing. There should be no issues, but we do upgrade the files in this release.

If you come across any issues, feel free to send us a Tweet or DM, message on the Discord Server, or shoot us an email. Bug reports and feature requests can also be logged here.

Release Notes


  • Added a number of enemy, player, and equipment name strings to the translation file
  • Added new debate facts
  • Added new debates
  • Added new cutscenes
  • Added new skits
  • Added more SFX, and added new SFX to existing cutscenes
  • Added new item icons
  • Added new audio
  • Added NPCs and houses to Lakure, and unblocked the city
  • Added new character sprites
  • Added books
  • Added eavesdropping events
  • Added new overworld tiles


  • Fixed UI briefly appearing after transitioning screens before an event plays
  • Fixed lists accidentally cutting off Text
  • Fixed flashing when starting a cutscene
  • Fixed flashing when changing maps during a cutscene
  • Fixed actors during cutscenes sometimes not appearing
  • Fixed Shop Confirm Button not working


  • Upgraded to Gamemaker 2.3
  • Converted & consolidated all of the cutscenes to a new system
  • Converted & consolidated all of the skits to a new system
  • Refactored how quests are stored and loaded
  • Refactored how debate statements are stored and loaded
  • Redid all of the pre-existing SFX