Hey everyone! Last month we released the demo update, and with that decided to take a break and do some planning! So, what’s up for the future?

Demo Release
As a reminder, the demo was released! We hope everyone enjoyed the updates we’ve made, and if you haven’t gotten around to it yet, we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback!
What’s Next?
This past month was spent mostly relaxing and taking a break. Taking a step back, planning for what we want to do and so on. There was a lot to reflect on process-wise, and a lot to look at what is left to get the game done.
Earlier this year we mentioned that once that demo was out we wanted to release beta updates every quarter to the beta testers. We want to keep to this promise, and so we’re currently targeting the next beta release for March 2020.
So what will be in March 2020’s release? Here’s a short list:
- New debate
- New story content & skits
- (Some) Side quests
- Turn-based battle improvements (ex. Dodge, Block, Crit animations, some UI improvements)
- Planning for the future: unit testing framework, debate system workflow improvements
- New battle animations
- Preparing for Summer 2020 beta
- Minor improvements and bug fixes
This will be our first attempt at having a planned beta release each quarter, so we’ll be focusing more on bug fixes, workflow improvements, and a little bit of story. The Summer 2020 update will likely be much larger, as the number of maps added will double the size of the current in-game world.
We’re also anticipating the next Gamemaker Studio 2 update, which should make cutscenes easier to script. However, large version upgrades tend to break things, so we want to make sure that we have testing in place so that if something breaks we know!
Otherwise, in December we will likely be streaming a lot from the 15 to the New Year! We look forward to seeing you all then!