Hey everyone! Hope everyone’s been enjoying the demo release! Here’s the update for November~
Demo Update
We’ve been talking about it for ages, but the demo update is finally out! If you’re interested in more details, such as why we needed a demo update, or why it took so long, please check out the release notes.
We hope the description there has enough details, but on the off chance it does not, feel free to reach out!
Discord Server
Speaking of reaching out, we decided to make a discord server to make it easier for people interested in the game to talk with each other and ask questions to the dev team.
In the past we had a discourse forum, but it was unused by people. There were also other forums of communication like Tumblr asks or Twitter messages, but that didn’t really seem to work well.
This server is by and large an experiment for now. We don’t know how many people will join or chat, so for now the server is a little bare-bones. You can chat with us, we can chat with you, and you can spy on our git commit titles. There is also a special channel for Kickstarter backers.
We’ll add more features as we go, so if there’s something you’re interested in, please join and let us know.
In the meantime, if you are interested in joining, you can click here.

What’s Next?
The demo update is done! So what’s next?
Our immediate goal is to get the demo up on Steam. Hopefully by the end of the week. Afterwards? We plan to take a bit of a break.
We mentioned it a few months back, but we’ve been planning to take a little bit of a break on development for about a month. Since we released the demo on November 1, the month of November is our break month. Although I say we’ll be on break (which we will be) we will also be doing some prep for the next phase of the project: finishing the game.
Some of us have been working on the game for 7 years, others for 2 years, and some even less. Either way, we all want to finish the game. The demo update was absolutely necessary in order to complete a game with the quality we wanted, but it did take away from finishing it.
So! With all that said, our next update in December will be light on development details, but hopefully will talk more about what we will be doing going forward to get the game done!
Look forward to seeing you all then~!