- Final Overworld Maps – 14.2% in progress; 71.7% complete
- Worked on adding new music
- Worked on updating and adding new animations
- Worked on a new website
Lots of bug fixes
- Added some quality of life fixes to the UI to improve UX
- Added a new battle results screen
- Updated some old dialogue
- Added more failure/pass options for the port debate
- Rearranged early-on debate facts
- Revealed some more characters
Coming up next:
- Bug fixes
- Graphical Update
This past month was mostly focused on bug fixes.
Demo Testing
started to enter into testing for the new demo, which means that we’ve
been encountering a range of issues from crashes to little quality of
life improvements.
Some of the quality of life improvements have been things like:
- Don’t allow the user to click on a button if they can’t do anything
- Play music/adjust the in game volume in real time while adjusting the settings
- Adding invisible walls to the tutorial area
- Clickable UI elements get highlighted
And so on.
As we prep for the demo we will be mainly focused on bug fixes and these QoL improvements.
See ya next month!